Repeat for different section and indicate the row numberings (e.g. 26a or 26b)
Grant Jordan
Yes that would be very helpful for chart navigation
Derek Lee
Moving this feature from "under review" to "planned" given the interest from the community. Thanks for submitting your votes for this feature!
Ross Farley
Derek Lee Hooray!
Susan Stevens
Derek Lee
Susan Stevens Thanks for sharing this additional feedback Susan! 🙇🏻♂️
Derek Lee
Susan Stevens I found another request that I think is more of what you are illustrating here: https://roadmap.beat-note.app/feature-requests/p/repeat-sign-in-the-end-of-a-bar
I'll add your vote to that request as well. Thanks! 🙏
Biren Kalaria
Derek Lee susan’s suggestion makes more sense… giving app clarity what it has to repeat however a number should be added how many time that section need to repeat
Derek Lee
Biren Kalaria Thanks for your feedback!
Derek Lee
Hello friends! This seems to be a popular request.
Can I ask you to provide me with some musical examples where you want to use this?
Hinrich Nagel
Derek LeeI attached 2 examples: the first one (Solo No 2) is an exercise from my teacher and the realization with Beat Note. As you can see the # of written-measures increase to 36.
The second one (Get up Stand up) contains several elements of repeating and I'll like to transfer this song to BN but up to now I don't know how to accomplish this without increasing the written-measures to an excessive degree.
Derek Lee
under review
Yes Please!!
Derek Lee
L Thanks for your comment! Can you please share some examples of how you would use the "%" style repeat in your beats? Thank you! 🙏🏻
Derek Lee
Thanks for the feature request, Ross! I don't quite understand what you mean by a % style repeat bar. What do you mean by "%"? Like a % of the entire beat? Or a % of one measure?
I have thought of a few cases for choosing the phrase of music to repeat:
#1. Repeating multiple bars of a beat, e.g., from measure #3 through measure #6.
#2. Repeating a portion of a single measure by beat, e.g., all notes from beats #2 and #3 (or from the beginning of beat 2 to the end of beat 3).
#3. Repeating a sequential but offset group of notes, e.g., from the "e" of beat #2 until the "&" of beat #3.
I have also thought about setting a repeat "timer" for repeating a specific # of times: either repeating the selection X times (5 times, 10 times, 50 times) or repeating the selection for a specified amount of time (1 minute, 5 minutes, 20 minutes).
I've also thought about auto-tempo increases each time the content repeats and other more advanced features.
Could you please riff on what aspects of repeat you are interested in and how you would use it? Thanks!
Ross Farley
Derek Lee: I meant to include a screenshot to make it clear what I meant! Totally forgot. See attached!
I like the other ideas you mentioned too. The auto tempo and repeat timer sound interesting!
Derek Lee
Ross Farley: Thanks for clarifying! Seeing your screenshot is a huge "duh" moment for me. Naturally, an actual music notation "%" sign! I'll chalk it up as an absent-minded moment for me. 😅 Thanks for clarifying!
Zak Bond
Derek Lee It would also be great to add a number above the single repeat bar to repeat multiple times.
Zak Bond
Also would be helpful to incorporate the repeat 2 bar and 4 bar options so we can have the app repeat 2 bar and 4 bar phrases.