Assign multiple articulations to a single note, e.g. Flam Diddles (flam + diddle)
Jesse Rolland
The new flams and notation selector is super dope! However, it just hit me that for writing Rudimental based content I need a flam diddle notation as well. With the new selector I can really see the potential now to have all of these additional notations that I’ve mentioned before, and specifically on the snare drum voicing (flam diddles / buzzes / rim shots). Now that you’ve implemented the new selector maybe it will be much easier to add these other notations?
Derek Lee
Kevin Jimenez
under review
Derek Lee
Closing out in favor of this enhancement request as this one covers the more general case (multiple articulations) instead of just the single use case.
Derek Lee
Thanks for your comment, Jesse Rolland and I'm glad to hear the new articulation selector is working well for you! 👍🏻
I think the new articulation selector will help to accommodate more articulations for sure. That said, I would group this into two separate features as I've received feedback on enhancing this in two different ways:
#1. Simply adding more articulations: Adding buzzes and rimshots and such becomes easier as this is just adding another articulation to the list. (Your previous requests for buzzes and rim shots falls under this.)
#2. The concept of adding multiple articulations at one time. Your suggestion of a flam diddle (cheese) is one, and I've also heard other suggestions like flam + accent, or ghost + diddle, etc.
I'd like to leverage this request to cover this idea of having multiple articulations added to a note at one time and I'll rename it as such.
Besides flam + diddle, what other combinations do you want to see? 🤔
Jesse Rolland
Derek Lee yeah spot on. The combo articulations are needed. I’m not sure what the best layout for all if that would be but I’m almost thinking that maybe just expanding the list horizontally to add those would make the most sense? Rather than having a second selector. I think for the most part we’ve already covered all of the ideal articulations. Maybe a double stick articulation would be cool? I mean jeeze DCI drum lines have so many. These could get overwhelming as we are entering the territory of straight up Drumline usages. Like I love it as I see Beat Note already being built for writing Rudimental snare drum music. We literally have almost everything we need already to be honest. But yeah I guess it’s just a matter of to what extreme to go with these features…
Derek Lee
Jesse Rolland DCI articulations have expanded way beyond even when I marched. I intend to expand BN into other areas of percussion (marching of course, and some professors have asked for percussion ensemble as well), but I think that's going to be a ways in the future. Still lots to do in the drumset world! 😅
Jesse Rolland
Derek Lee Wait what instrument did you March and what is your main instrument in general? Also what corps did you march?
Derek Lee
Jesse Rolland I had a late start to drum corps because I didn't know they even existed having grown up in small town. I consider drum set my "primary instrument" but quads ended up being my main marching instrument and I marched one year both with Boston and the Blue Stars. I was also section leader for the line I marched with my last year at university (wrote the book, etc).
Benny Amon
Derek Lee Glad to see this discussion. Very important to be able to indicate more than one articulation per note. Other examples are a flam buzz. You should be able to do 3 articulations as well such as a accented flam stick shot with a buzz or diddle as the flam note…(hope that makes sense). Basically be able to combine many articulations for one note.
Derek Lee
Benny Amon Thanks for your comments! I absolutely agree that there are cases when multiple articulations are useful when communicating the intent of the music.
One of my primary principles with Beat Note is that of simplicity and intuitiveness. The app had to go through an evolution even with the change from supporting just a couple of articulations to handling many articulations. Additional challenges exist to move from having only a single articulation per note to multiple articulations per note. I think it's important to be able to add multiple articulations to notes, and I think it's also critical to maintain the intuitiveness and simplicity of the app.
I intend to make multiple articulations per note available in the future, and solving this design challenge will be a part of that work. 👍🏻
Derek Lee
Benny Amon and anyone else who's voted on this - if you have any ideas or suggestions as to how the user interface could be adjusted to accommodate this functionality, I'd love to hear your thoughts! 🙇🏻♂️
Gregory Vance
Derek Lee I could see perhaps being able to select the actual number, name or symbol (example select the “e” in “1e&a”) and then add an accent to it that way instead of on the actual notation part. But I’m not a programmer so I have no idea what type of challenge this could be. Haha thanks for all you do, Derek!
Derek Lee
Gregory Vance Thanks for the ideas, Greg! This is more of a UI challenge, I think. How to maintain the intuitiveness of the UI while allowing multiple articulations to be selected. 🤔 I have a few ideas I'd like to explore. There are just a lot of open requests, and not enough time in the day lol! 😅
Gregory Vance
Derek Lee all good, my man! This is my favorite app of all time, so know that we’re patient and appreciate all your hard work!
Derek Lee
Gregory Vance Thanks for your support bud! I'd like to create a mockup of one of the ideas I have and share it here for you and others to consider. I'll see if I can get this drawn up in the next couple of weeks. 👍🏻