I want to create beats using a two-measure exercise template
Derek Lee
Thanks for sharing your feedback! A 2-measure template is planned to be included in an upcoming 3.x release. 👍🏻
Vincent MULLOT
Derek Lee hi waiting for this one really! Actually if you can make each exercise 1,2,3,4 or more bars as user choice and also give the ability to rename each exercise then you have some kind of "arrangement sheet" that I was explaining on another thread. This would be very useful to create reminder note of a song structure for rehearsal, song practice, live reminder, etc.
This "arrangement sheet" to be fully useful could be showing just the title of each section (actually called exercise) that could be renamed by the user as for exemple "chorus 4 bars", "verse 8 bars" or anything so it could be possible to see the whole song arrangement at one glance (SONGZAP like), then have the ability to zoom in to see the actual rhythm details.
Hope it's clear, not sure I'm at the right place for this subject but it's kind of an enhancement of the requested feature. Thanks.
Derek Lee
Vincent MULLOT Thanks for this feedback! I think the feature request you're looking for is the song/chart template. This request is solely for two-measure exercises, not a configurable number of exercises.
I'll add your comments to that request as well. 👍🏻
Jesse Rolland
Vincent MULLOT for me I feel like having additional templates of 2, 4, 8, 16, and maybe even 32 bars is crucial. It’s all about the repeat bar so it shows that these measure configurations go together. Like I would love to be writing as long as 16 or even the 32 bar phrases as complete ideas, loop them, and be able to cycle through all these phrases in 1 beat note file. Especially 2, 4, and 16 bar templates. This is absolutely essential.
Vincent MULLOT
Jesse Rolland I agree !
Micheal Czimback
Yes please! You already know I’m excited for this one!
Ross Farley
I’d get a lot of use out of this!