Song Chart Template
Derek Lee
Derek Lee
Recently received a request from a user via customer support who also included this helpful screenshot from Garage Band which also helps to show titles for parts of songs:
Derek Lee
under review
Derek Lee
Additional comments from Vincent MULLOT:
"Actually if you can make each exercise 1,2,3,4 or more bars as user choice and also give the ability to rename each exercise then you have some kind of "arrangement sheet" that I was explaining on another thread. This would be very useful to create reminder note of a song structure for rehearsal, song practice, live reminder, etc.
This "arrangement sheet" to be fully useful could be showing just the title of each section (actually called exercise) that could be renamed by the user as for exemple "chorus 4 bars", "verse 8 bars" or anything so it could be possible to see the whole song arrangement at one glance (SONGZAP like), then have the ability to zoom in to see the actual rhythm details."
Derek Lee
Vincent MULLOT If you take a look at the mockup below, you'll see how each section or group of measures has a title associated with it. I think this aligns with the feedback you shared, yes?
Vincent MULLOT
Something like this with drum notation for each section?
Derek Lee
Vincent MULLOT Thanks for the inspiration, Vincent!
Out of curiosity, what app is this from? 🤔
Vincent MULLOT
Derek Lee Songzap is the app
Derek Lee
Vincent MULLOT Thank you! 🙏
Derek Lee
Please also see this original request from Simon Swan which also asked for repeat capability:
As well as this request from Jörg Eckhardt which also asked for a related capability:
Derek Lee
Thanks for creating this Zak Bond! 🎉
Mockup attached of conceptual template. I was thinking the section titles would be configurable, though it could be "smarter" to keep a history of your titles or provide some samples, for sure. 👍🏻
Angelique M
Derek Lee is this already available? Can we also add lyrics below of each bar especially for newbies like me?
Derek Lee
Angelique M Thanks for your comment and welcome to the community! No, this feature is not yet available. Features that are already available are marked "Completed" and would include a comment from me with the version number where the feature was added.
I don't have an expected timeframe for implementing this feature. I use this website to help decide on how to prioritize what features to work on next. If you're also interested in this feature, please upvote it using the "^" button at the top.
There is also an existing enhancement request for adding lyrics which I would recommend you also add your vote to if you are interested:
Thank you! Best, Derek
Ross Farley
Another vote for this!
A separate but related request that I’d find really useful (and sure others would too) would be for slash notation and repeat bars
Derek Lee
Ross Farley Thanks for this comment, Ross! If you have another feature request, please create a separate request for it so it can be tracked. Thanks! 🙏