I would love to see BN include a comprehensive metronome for practice and live use. The layout of GapClick is so useful, in particular for scrolling the wheel to increase / decrease tempo. I mainly need to set up a tempo playlist. I would also like to see the screen flash time on the beats without the typical use of numbers. Perhaps this is a toggle on / off option to show the numerical count or not? I imagine this metronome could be toggled on / off, and float on the screen in a smaller box. The box could be moveable around the screen, as iPad allows with small windows. This could allow us to use playback, edit, etc while keeping the metronome window open or not. Perhaps it is shaped like a horizontal rectangle to accommodate both iPad and iPhone screens? I believe this will further enhance BN by allowing the click to be seen as well as heard, plus provide a new standard tool for development of students with-in the app. I would use it on stage for tempo references and jumps. Another use case could be hitting playback and drumming along… as the notation window naturally scrolls down we’d be able to see the floating window metronome flashing time or marking bars, possibly even counting visually and audibly.